Welcome to Workforce Talent (CLG). We are an innovative social enterprise company that embraces atypical work-seekers. Michael McDonnell - Mike, Chief Executive, has funded and established this not-for-profit company which assists people recovering from addiction and/or criminal convictions, to develop the confidence, skills and the self-belief they need to overcome the challenges of future employment and building a better life.
We are humbled by the number of organisations of all sizes that have helped us to find opportunities for people coming from these backgrounds. We strongly believe that everyone has the ability to change and deserves the chance to seek and gain employment. This is why our support network is providing participants with a step- by-step guide for getting back on their feet and bringing them back into full employment.
Focus on Employment
As we know, employment offers a unique opportunity for reintegrating into wider society by helping people develop new social networks, self esteem and financial independence which can build a new life.